Calendar of Events
FarWest Geoscience Foundation
PO Box 1631
Grass Valley CA 95959
Education And Events
Education And Events
Geoscience-related education is one of its core components of FWGF. A series of geoscience workshops are being currently developed to cover a wide array of geoscience topics including minerals, metals, gems, earth history, dinosaurs, early mammals, paleobiology, etc. Presentations and tours are given to community, regional and national organizations. Publications have been compiled for field trips in collaboration with a wide variety of geoscience and other NGO organizations.
The Foundation serves as an educational resource and regularly provides talks, field trips, walks and workshops on various aspects of geoscience. Events are normally conducted in collaboration with local, regional, national and international organizations.
Southern Rock mountains Photo - Farwest Visuals
Sandstone and Sand Dune - Utah Photo - Rohrsen